Display Profile

Hi there! My name is Ankit Sharma. Welcome to my little corner in this vast internet ocean.

I absolutely love technology and what it can do to make our lives easier. I moved to programming from electrical engineering in 2014 and have never looked back since. Programming is like art to me. You have a blank canvas on which you can create whatever you want.

I started out with C doing embedded systems programming, building small linux kernels. For my masters project at Boston University, I made a smart home app for Android using Java which can control smart lights and a Nest thermostat. I really liked building Android apps and decided to become an Android developer after graduation.

In my free time, I love to read and learn about other technologies. This website was created because I wanted to get my feet wet in web development. I'm interested in mentoring younger developers and building technical teams. I get to do this at work but would like to be more involved on a larger scale someday in the future. I've also been trying to write technical blog posts and to do some creative writing on Medium, we'll see how that goes.

Passions (Love working in these fields)
Interests (Want to learn more about these fields)
Favorite Programming Languages
Favorite Technical Books
Favorite Non-Technical Books (Really hard to pick three)